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त्रिवेणी मा वि सिम्रुतु रूकुम | » I Sc. Ag (आइ. एस्सी एजी ) I Sc. Ag (आइ. एस्सी एजी ) – त्रिवेणी मा वि सिम्रुतु रूकुम
Map of Nepal

I Sc. Ag (आइ. एस्सी एजी )

I Sc. Ag (आइ. एस्सी एजी )

Farming is in nature and crop is mostly integrated with livestock. Production of Medium level skilled human power is the motto of CTEVT. So many private level, affiliated by CTEVT, community schools and its own constituent institutions are conducting the intermediate in Agriculture of Agriculture in Plant science (I.Sc.Ag) to produce the agriculture technician.

In Nepalese context agriculture is the main occupation of the people living in Nepal. So, Nepal is known as an agricultural country. It helps in the national income of the nation. Nepalese people depend on agriculture. Almost all people have engaged in agriculture but still, they used an old and traditional method of farming. Although top priority has been given to agriculture we could not improve the status of agriculture.

Agricultural development in Nepal is very important to provide daily needs to the people, increase trading, slow down imports, solve the problem of unemployment and provide raw materials to industries. The development of the country depends on the agricultural development. The government and responsible sectors should give the top priority to agricultural development for its betterment and development.

Farmers are working hard to meet their demand and fulfill their desires. Even they work hard they are not satisfied with their income. They can hardly meet their household expenses and other expenses. They can’t afford a good quality of life for them and their family. Because of low income from their occupation, they have a low economic condition.

Nepal is richly endowed with agro-biodiversity. Rice, maize, millet, wheat, barley and buckwheat are the major staple food crops. Similarly, oilseeds, potato, tobacco, sugarcane, jute and cotton are the important cash crops whereas lentil, gram, pigeon pea, black gram, horse gram and soybean are the important pulse crops. Nepal is also famous for orthodox tea, large cardamom, turmeric and zinger too. Most Nepalese farmers grow diversified crops in order to hedge against erratic and uncertain weather and other unfavorable agronomic conditions.

Livestock is one of the important sources of cash income of the farm households. Livestock products which are sold for cash. The cash needs of the farm families are mainly met through the sale of milk, yoghurt, cheese, ghee, Chhurpi, meat, egg and live animals and poultry. Generally, farm families in mountains raise Yak or Chauri (Himalayan breed of cow) and sheep, in hills cow, sheep, goat and rural poultry and in Terai buffalo, cow, goat and poultry. Poultry husbandry is emerging enterprise in Terai and hills. Human and animal labours are major sources of farm power.